We will make 3 confined water dives (in secluded bays) and 2 open waterdives. Before coming down to Protaras you will get to watch an instructional DVD and have to submitt corresponding 'knowledge reviews'. After qualifying on PADI's performance requirements you will receive the PADI Scuba Diver certification, which will allow you to go diving under supervision of a PADI professional to a depth of 12 meters. If you would like to take things further later on, the course connects very well to the PADI Open Water course. It is a great experience and a lot of fun!
The Scuba Diver course will be priced at € 240, which includes the PADI certification costs. You do need to have a Manual that you can use for both the Scuba Diver course and Open Water Diver Course which costs € 45.
* If you have had health issues such as history of ear or lung problems, fainting, claustrophobia you will need a doctors statement to enroll. If you are having a cold diving needs to be postponed .
Click on the envelop below and send a message to divewaterplanet@hotmail.com if you want to know more about or sign up for a Scuba Diver Course.